Perspectives in Transference and Counter-transference online seminars
A warm welcome to a set of workshops from the TATO. We are delighted to be launching our workshop series “Perspectives in Transference and Counter-Transference” offering different workshops, and different perspectives on transference and counter-transference.
As Transactional Analysts some of the theory will be offered through a TA lens. There will also be exciting theory and practical application to practice – that will be accessible to all practitioners.
The seminars are donation only – so pay what you can.

An Introduction to Different Types of Transference
Andy Williams TSTA(P)
Thurs 20 Jan, 6 – 7.30pm (online)
The first workshop in the series, An Introduction to Different Types of Transference is an overview of Transference phenomena. It is accessible to all counsellors, coaches and psychotherapists. Indeed, it is suitable for anyone who works “in relationship” with another. This may include educationist, helpers, teachers, mentors etc

Idealising, Mirroring, and Twinship: Perspectives in Transference
Beren Aldridge PTSTA(P)
Tues Feb 22, 6 – 7.30pm (online)
Heinz Kohut, an originator of ‘Self-Psychology’ suggested that a healthy infant requires experiences of idealising, mirroring and twinship to support their healthy development of the ‘self’. Deficits in this provision can lead to transference experiences. Leading to a person seeking as an adult what they did not receive as a child. We will consider his theories from a transactional analysis perspective. In addition we will explore the ethics of a therapist providing a ‘corrective experience’ for their client to support growth and autonomy.

Working with Erotic Transference
Andy Williams TSTA(P)
Thur 17 March, 6 – 8.30pm (online)
We will explore definitions of erotic transference in this workshop. We will attempt to demystify the term “erotic transference” , to perhaps reduce our fear as we approach the topic. Secondly, we will explore the developmental origins of the phenomena.
Moving on to advanced clinical thinking, we will then be considering what is the nature of erotic transference. We will look at bi-directionality and inter-penetrative components and why these factors might add “fuel to the fire”.