Our seminar programme in Leeds has been a wonderful success. From January 2019 we will be running a similar programme of informal CPD and networking events in Buxton. These will be taking place at the Old Hall Hotel in Buxton. The events offer support to practitioners by providing a forum for learning and socialising. Taking advantage of the beautiful quiet peaceful location in the Peak District these events are for mental health workers, youth workers, social workers, teachers, counsellors, therapists and trainees. Our Buxton CPD Seminars and are an opportunity to meet up once every other month for a social and professional evening.
We will be inviting speakers to come along and present for an hour and a half on a subject in which they are interested. You will have opportunity both before and after the event for networking and socialising. We provide some light refreshments including hot and cold drinks. Sign up to our mailing list to get your invitations to these events.
The Buxton Seminars are on a Tuesday evening once every other month. They run from 6pm until 8pm. Arrive for 6pm, the seminar starts at 6.15pm and goes on for an hour and a half, leaving time at the end for networking and socialising.
Dates for the seminars are:
January 22nd, March 19th, May 21st, July 16th, September 17th and November 26th at The Old Hall Hotel the oldest hotel in England.
The Old Hall Hotel
The Square
SK17 6BD
The cost is £15 per event, the fee covers the cost of room hire and refreshments. Any money remaining at the end of the year will be donated to a local charity.